Saturday, October 15, 2011

Try a Pair of Hemp Socks This Winter

photo by Knit.Spin
If you've never tried hemp clothing before, now is the time to try out this natural fiber. There are so many benefits of choosing hemp fibers over synthetic fibers, and even cotton — benefits for the environment but also for the consumer. Why not buy a pair of warm, breathable hemp socks to keep your feet warm and dry over the winter? A pair of organic, natural socks is a great way to introduce yourself, or someone else, to the benefits of hemp clothing.

Hemp as a Major Textile

Most people think of cotton when they think of natural fibers, but cotton is by far the least eco-friendly fiber. It simply dominates the market. The amount of water alone to grow a field of cotton, let alone the pesticides and chemical fertilizers that are used for non-organic cotton growth, has been devastating farm land around the world for decades. The Environmental Justice Foundation put out a report on the negative effects of growing cotton on the environment and on human health.

Hemp on the other hand is a much hardier plant that does not require the massive water use or the chemical pesticides and fertilizers. It also leaves the soil in an improved condition after use, with more nutrients for the next crop to use. Growing hemp for fibers is not something new. This natural fiber has been grown for clothing and paper for 12,000 years. It is very strong and long-lasting. Your hemp socks are not going to end up with holes in the toes and heels as is often the case after a year or two of washing with cotton and synthetic fibers.

What Are Hemp Socks Like?

Hemp socks are soft and warm. They blend well with other natural fibers such as cotton, flax and bamboo. Not only will they last longer, but they are more resistant to mold than other fibers, making them a great choice for people with sweaty feet. While an ideal warm winter sock, hemp socks are also great in the summer as your skin will stay dry with a breathable, natural fiber. While you can throw your eco-friendly socks in the washer, it is best to keep them out of the dryer. One more clothing item to line dry and save energy with! Try out a pair of hemp socks this winter and see what your feet think.

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